Common Names
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Identification Guide
Fungi:> Basidiomycota:> Agaricomycetes:> Gomphales:> Gomphaceae:> Beenakia, Gloeocantharellus, Lentaria, Ramaria, Phaeoclavulina, Ramariopsis.
This family contains a few different genera, with the relationship between them not being obvious.
Genus: Gloeocantharellus
These fungi are generally sturdy, fleshy, and vase or funnel shaped with smooth to wrinkled outer surfaces similar to chanterelles and were once contained in the Cantharellaceae family. Recent DNA studies have placed them in Gomphus with clubs and coral fungi. The spores of Gomphus species are roughened, while those of Cantharellus and Craterellus species are smooth.
Gomphus novae-zelandiae Gloeocantharellus novae-zelandiae
Genus: Beenakia
Beenakia dacostae was the first species of this genus to be discovered, which is named after the town of Beenak in Victoria, Australia.
Beenakia dacostae Beenakia dacostae
Genus: Lentaria
A small genus with only one described species in New Zealand. 
 Lentaria surculus Lentaria surculus
Genus: Ramaria
This genus is separated from other coral fungi by having tan-coloured spores. You will need to make a spore print to see this. These are soft-fleshy fungi that are often brightly coloured, with many branches and coral-like. Correct identification is difficult without the aid of a microscope as many species look very similar to each other.
Ramaria ambigua Ramaria ambigua
Ramaria avellaneo-vertex.Ramaria avellaneovertex
Phaeoclavulina gigantea Ramaria gigantea f. tenuispora
Ramaria junquilleo-vertexRamaria junquilleo-vertex
Ramaria lorithamnus Ramaria polypus
Ramaria piedmontiana Ramaria piedmontiana
Ramaria samuelsii Ramaria samuelsii
Ramaria sclerocarnosaRamaria sclerocarnosa
Genus: Phaeoclavulina
Phaeoclavulina ochraceaPhaeoclavulina ochracea
Phaeoclavulina ochracea var.sicco-olivacea
Ramaria Zippelii Phaeoclavulina zippelii
Ramaria sp.Phaeoclavulina zippelii
Unidentified Species
These are Ramaria that I have not been able to identify beyond the genus. This may be due to me not understanding the keys or the species has not been described (named).
Ramaria sp. Ramaria species.
Ramaria sp. Ramaria species
Ramaria gracilis Ramaria species
Ramaria rubripermanensRamaria species
Ramaria rubripermanensRamaria species
Genus: Ramariopsis
This genus is distinguished from other simple club fungi by its reaction to ferric salts (turning green). The species have upright fruiting bodies that are stalked with several branches, often dichotomously, sometimes antler-like. The branches can be cylindrical or flattened, with a pointed or rounded apex, and the texture of the flesh can be brittle or fairly tough, and in various colours.
Ramariopsis alutacea Ramariopsis alutacea
Ramariopsis bicolor Ramariopsis bicolor
Ramariopsis cremicolor
Ramariopsis crocea Ramariopsis crocea
Ramariopsis depokensis f. persicina f. Ramariopsis depokensis f. persicina f.
Ramariopsis laeticolor Ramariopsis laeticolor
Ramariopsis novahibernica Ramariopsis novahibernica
Ramariopsis ovispora Ramariopsis ovispora
Ramariopsis pulchella Ramariopsis pulchella
Unidentified Species
The fungi below I have not been able to identify beyond the genus. This may be due to me not understanding the keys or the keys do not exist. In some cases, the species may not have been described (named).
Ramariopsis sp. Ramariopsis sp.
Ramariopsis sp. Ramariopsis sp.
Ramariopsis ramarioides Ramariopsis species
The Hidden Forest   Forest Fungi