Amanita karea
G.S. Ridl
One of two similar-looking species, the other is being A. nothofagi, this is recognised by a cap that has a background colour that is greyish fawn with dark greyish sepia squarish warts at the cap margin, arranged concentrically.

Cap: 40-60 mm, convex to plano-convex, then plano-depressed, margin entire or occasionally splitting, greyish to fawn, volva remnants flat, squarish warts at pileus margin, dark greyish sepia, arranged concentrically.
Gills: crowded, free, white.
Stipe: 40-70 mm high 5-8 mm diameter, solid, from marginate bulbous base, 7-21 mm diameter, surface above annulus, white, sparsely floccose, below annulus white to smoke-grey, smooth to finely scaled, base with band or rim of pulverulent, dark greyish sepia to fuscous volva remnants. Annulus membranous, finely striate, white to sordid white at margin,with fuscous margin.
Common name: None
Found: Under leptospermum
Substrate: Ground
Spore: White
Height: 100 mm
Width: 80 mm
Season: Autumn
Macro images:
Amanita karea
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
Amanita karea
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
Amanita karea
Scale bar
Scale= 7.5 mm.
Amanita karea
Scale bar
Scale= 7.5 mm.
Hidden Forest
Fores Fungi